PRAYER CALL 6:00AM-6:30AM SUN-FRI: 1(667) 770-1523 (CODE 771131#)
About Faith City Central
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At which campus do you normally attend service? —Proszę wybrać opcję—BaltimoreBrandywineeCampusECHOTemple HillsI am not a partner of SOFCC
How long have you been a partner of SOFCC? —Proszę wybrać opcję—Less than a year1-5 years5+ yearsI am not a partner of SOFCC
In what area(s) do you serve in ministry? ASL Interpreting StaffAudio StaffBaby Dedication StaffBlaze Kids StaffBookstore StaffDrama Ministry StaffElders Ministry StaffFAITH Institute StaffFinance StaffFIRE Outreach StaffGatekeepers StaffHealth & Wellness Ministry StaffHelping Hands StaffHOPE Ministry StaffHospitality StaffImpact Global StaffKingdom Executives StaffMarketing StaffMarriage Made EZ StaffMedia StaffMighty Men of Valor (MMOV) StaffMilitary Ministry StaffMusic Ministry StaffNew Partners Orientation Meeting StaffParenting Made EZ StaffPartners Praying Together StaffPartnership Services StaffPerfecting Class StaffPersonal Prayer Ministry StaffPhotography StaffPrison Ministry StaffQueens in Transition (QIT) StafSeasoned Saints StaffSecurity StaffSingle Living Made EZ StaffSpecial Events StaffSocial Media StaffSWAT StaffTechnology Network Team (TNT) StaffTransportation StaffUshers StaffVision Assist Team (VAT) StaffVisual Media StaffWISE Ministry StaffWomen Walking in the Word (WWW) StaffWord Up! StaffYung GENTS StaffZion Dance StaffI am not currently serving in ministry
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I need information regarding: —Proszę wybrać opcję—ASL InterpretingBaby DedicationBaptismBenevolence/No Lack NationBlaze Youth MinistryAddictionGriefHealth & Wellness MinistryMissions TripsCelebration of Life ServicesPrayer/Spiritual QuestionsMarriage Made EZReceiving Holy SpiritParenting Made EZSOFCC ScholarshipsTithes & OfferingsSingle Living Made EZMighty Men of ValorSalvationMilitary MinistryNew Partners OrientationSeasoned SaintsSOFCC Warriors AthleticsSold-Out Word Activated Teens (SWAT)Technical SupportVisitationWealth, Increase, Serving, Excellence (WISE) Financial EducationWeddingsWomen Walking in the Word (WWW)Word Up! College Outreach
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*The information provided will be shared with the ministry area best equipped to provide you with the information that you are requesting. I understand this inquiry will be processed within 2-3 business days.
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We are loving, serving, and impacting generations by faith, in excellence, one life at a time.